Greater Ohio Policy Center

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Where are we really going with transit?

Recently, transportation has been the topic de jour. There is constant talk about implementing mass transit in Ohio but the actual plans continuously change. Will be put transit throughout the 3-C Corridor? Will it go along I-80/90 to link Ohio with Chicago and New York City? Should we focus on light-rail for our city areas? On top of that we are dealing with fiscal constraints that make implementation/construction difficult. Should charge a higher gas tax to pay for our infrastructure, rewarding those people who drive fuel efficient cars or should we start charging a mileage tax and punish those who drive the most? For more debate on this see the TransportPolitic's posting "A Mileage Tax in Question" The conversation for transit seems convoluted and in constant flux. And, looking at a chart (see below) that was presented by Chester Jourdan, Executive Director of MORPC, Ohio has never been clear as to its policy towards transportation.

The history of mass transit in Columbus, Ohio

The time is now to clear up the conversation and start to move in a strategic, path. Greater Ohio's Gene Krebs argues that a sensible path to move on passenger rail construction is to look at commute sheds. High density commute sheds have the greatest need for mass transit and that is wehre we should start. Hear more of Gene's comments at WCBE's website.