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#GOPCThread: #OHCommunitySpotlight Zanesville- Embracing Heritage for a New Future

Our latest #GOPCThread is available on Twitter, as we return to our Ohio Community Spotlight series, today taking a trip to Zanesville, an Ohio Legacy City that has embraced its past heritage to chart a new course to the future.

Not on Twitter, the thread is available online , as well as below.

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Today’s #GOPCThread is the third in our #OHCommunitySpotlight series, featuring the city of @ZanesvilleOH. Located east of Columbus along the Muskingum and Licking Rivers, Zanesville is the county seat of Muskingum County and one of Ohio’s Small #LegacyCities.

Zanesville’s location on two rivers also makes the city unique, in that it is one of few cities in the world to have a Y-Bridge. This three-way bridge connects Zanesville’s downtown, south town, and northern end of the city #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Zanesville briefly served as Ohio’s state capital from 1810-12. The national road courses through the city, helping lead to an economic boom in the late 1800’s, as the city gained prominence in the state for its manufacturing & textile industries #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Zanesville’s clay-rich soil contributed to the rise in pottery, & the city’s location along major rivers & interstate lines grew its population & economy. During the 20th Century, more than a dozen potteries operated in Zanesville & surrounding communities. #OHCommunitySpotlight

While the role of pottery is not as pronounced as it was once, the city is still rich in arts and culture. The Zanesville Art Museum has been active since 1936, and attracts visitors from all over the world. #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

In Downtown Zanesville, the @Alan_Cottrill Studio/Gallery shows off Zanesville’s pottery heritage and lines the streets with massive bronze-casted sculptures #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Along the Muskingum River, residents and visitors can walk, bike, play sports, or take a ride on the river. At Zane’s Landing Park, the Lorena Sternwheeler is docked – offering passengers the opportunity to ride down the Muskingum River #GOPCThread

LORENA STERNWHEELER | Visit Zanesville ~ Muskingum County, Ohio (click image for link)

Zanesville’s clay and water resources also made it a good place for a steel mill, glass production, industrial tiles, and road construction materials—all of which rely on abundant water, sand, and clay supplies. #GOPCThread

Current Business & Industry | Zanesville Muskingum County Port Authority (click image for link)

Like many of its counterpart communities, Zanesville has experienced downturn in both population and industry. The Great Recession had a significant impact on the city’s economy and manufacturing industry #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Rebounding significantly, manufacturing and the industrial sector still plays a crucial role in Zanesville’s economy. In recent years, city and county leaders have worked together to diversify the regional economy #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Today, Zanesville’s top industries today include: health, oil and power, and utilities. Zanesville is a regional hub for healthcare, with Genesis Healthcare operating in a multi-county region #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

In the heart of the city, Zanesville houses @ohiou – Zanesville & @ZaneStateC. These institutions offer an abundance of technical & educational opportunities. Many K-12 schools offer direct paths to continued education to these campuses #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

In 2018, the city of Zanesville designated a Downtown Zanesville Revitalization District to encourage new businesses in the downtown vicinity. Together, the city & the Zanesville Downtown Association ( #dt43701) have also created a redevelopment district #GOPCThread

Businesses fill many storefronts in downtown Zanesville, with occupancy far outpacing vacancy. The local efforts to invigorate downtown have made it a place for residents to work, live, and spend time #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight

Zanesville’s strength in community-wide collaboration for a shared vision has led to tremendous success in revitalization efforts. We look forward to this continued effort in Zanesville! #GOPCThread #OHCommunitySpotlight #LegacyCity