Call on Congress to Pass Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Greater Ohio Policy Center, along with nearly every other organization in the community development and housing field is worried Ohio will experience a massive housing crisis after eviction and foreclosure moratoriums expire (some as early as Saturday May 2, 2020).

Without safety net provisions in places for the thousands of vulnerable Ohioans who did not have savings prior to the COVID-19 crisis, and could be part of the 16%+ of working adults to lose their jobs over the last six weeks, it will be nearly impossible to come up with back rent (or forbearance mortgage payments), in addition to the rent due after the moratorium.  

Advocates have been scrambling for solutions ahead of the moratorium expirations.  While there will be no silver bullet solutions, it is clear that emergency housing assistance programs will be essential “silver buckshot” to help low and moderate income Ohioans at risk of losing their homes.

Ohio’s Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO) is leading the charge in Ohio to press our Congressional delegation to support $100 billion for Emergency Rental Assistance (a portion of which would be allocated to Ohio).  Follow this link to learn more about the proposed Emergency Rental Assistance Program and how to contact your member of Congress to urge them to support this program.

Solutions for homeowners at risk of losing them homes as a result of the COVID crisis are still in development and GOPC will continue to share resources and advocacy opportunities to support emergency housing assistance for renters and homeowners on our blog and social media accounts.